Thursday, March 25, 2010

bike ride 25th March

A day off work, so took the chance to get out and do some miles in the morning. Raining again so the off road bits and some of the smaller lanes were a touch muddy. Still can't seem to get over 17km/h average speed.....

Saturday, March 20, 2010

bike ride 20th March

Another circuit to try to get me fit... just over 20kms this time in just over an hour. South Westerly wind, miserable rain, and I extended this with some woodland single track (v muddy), some gravel off-road and the usual country lanes. A good ride.

Friday, March 19, 2010

some things are just simple and work....
(from the output of dir /s /ad /b - feed it through the script below)

open (IN,$ARGV[0]) || die "Can't open $file! $! \n";

while ()
$line0 = $_;
chop $line0;

print "cd \"$line0\"\n";
print "forfiles \/D -31\/12\/2007 \/C \"cmd \/c if \@isdir\=\=FALSE 7z a -mx7 \ \@fname.\@ext\"\n";
print "forfiles \/D -31\/12\/2007 \/C \"cmd \/c if \@isdir\=\=FALSE del \@fname.\@ext\"\n";
print "::\n";
close (IN);

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Bike Ride 13th March

Another route in my attempts to get fitter, from home via Higham, Shorne, Gravesend, then along the canal to Higham and home, good run would extend it when I can get some padding on my arse.

Dog Walk 13 March 2010

Saturday morning walk, orchards, wood, and muddy fields, cloudy and grey, but pleasant.
Extended the normal route across Lodge Hill and walked behind Spendiff.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Walk on the Marsh via Egypt bay

Cold, clear and crisp, walk from decoy farm in High Halstow, via Egypt bay, to Cliffe and then home. Footpath flooded had to strip down and wade through the ditch, while carrying the dog who knew better than me! Brilliant time to walk the marshes as most of the sheep are now close to home for lambing.

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Bike Ride 6th March

easterly wind, so I rode the route in the reverse direction, not very pleasant in some places (windmill hill towards Hoo.... brrrr).
slight increase in average speed, let's see if I can keep this up

Dog Walk 6th march 2010

chilly start to the day, but crisp and clear. Nice walk to lodge hill, and through the orchards.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Bike Ride

Bike ride route one, now that we're getting better weather, I've decided to record the rides and walks I do.

This one is a standard circular local route. Nice mix of road/off-road, small hills and quiet country lanes.